I've been excited today! With the release of that sweet test footage that was released!

20 67

illustration I put together...please let it be true...if so,thank you ✔️

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Deathstroke is Main Villain of Ben Affleck’s Batman Solo Movie - https://t.co/GwOLqoKypA

79 93

Deathstroke & Harley Quinn by Tony Daniel

54 124

Deathstroke to be main antagonist in Batman stand alone movie! Via

23 24

Deathstroke Will Be Main Villain in Ben Affleck's Batman Movie (Exclusive) https://t.co/xrikBq746M

1403 1466

WB: Now Ben remember, we can't show this Deathstroke footage to anyone, understand?


306 438

Give it to me now!

260 384

Explaining Batman, Nightwing and Deathstroke dynamics and relationships to is actually making my day.

1 10

the Terminator debuted in 1980, four years before Schwarzenegger's

3 5

Deathstroke 一号たりとも面白くなかったトニー・S・ダニエル先生が始めたキャラ追い者憤死レベルの地獄を見せるシリーズも残すところあと一号。トニダニ降板後もストーリーの質は変わらず絵も悪化。感想「あと一号もあるの?」

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