RT if you AGREE

GOP would rather strip health insurance away from cancer victims &vulnerable than investigate treason

3853 2807

America deserves better coverage than this. Tell your GOP Rep to on

43 36

BREAKING: A federal judge has once again nailed the GOP for racist intent in its requirement for special IDs to vote https://t.co/mOPRpGEXg0

187 246

CNN has dug their own grave. When you become the propaganda arm of DNC, the wheels come off.

91 114

The GOP doesn't want to fix healthcare, they want to eliminate it. We can tweak ACA but Medicare For All is the only real solution.

211 377

GOP 2010-2016: "We're going to repeal Obamacare!"
GOP 2017:

2264 2821

EmpireWire cartoon (https://t.co/dBnDEN5dj1 ): Trump-Ryan Care's very unplanned parenthood.

0 0

Four years ago had a pretty good idea what "Repeal and Replace" really meant. Now GOP finding out people prefer healthcare to slogans

36 50

The GOP selling us out to the Russians? How is it not traitorous? Chaffee betrays the USA unless he investigates.

1 1

The Fall Of The

1858: "A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand"

1973: "I Am Not A Crook"

2017: "Go Buy Ivanka's Stuff"

217 291