headcanon: when yuuri and victor get semi-drunk they get so lovey-dovey that they forget everyone around them lmao

782 1526

Headcanon: is a famous instagram nail artist

371 694

headcanon: yuuri totally has a framed picture of victor's figurine ass on their wall at home

519 1182

headcanon: victor totally knew they were soulmates ever since that banquet night

545 1170

headcanon: yurio acting like a proud parent and totally bawling his eyes out over yuuri and victor's wedding

823 1726

headcanon: yurio probably gets asked if he wants the kids menu at every single restaurant (which he replies with his knife shoes)

591 1146

headcanon: yurio’s keepin it real with this cake for yuuri's bday

1814 2775

New headcanon: developed "a freaky knowledge of sewing" to cosplay. Someday she may actually attend a Con and show them off!

5 20

headcanon: mila is totally the loving and supportive girlfriend who shows up to sara’s program with cute banner

956 1486

headcanon: yuuri and victor would totally wear these proud dad™ shirts to cheer yuri on

1150 1667

headcanon: victor totally carries this around with him lmao

902 1376

headcanon: victor's reaction when he saw the superior eros (ahem yuuri)

462 893

reminded me a while ago about my 11 year old headcanon: white haired Brendan.

2 6

headcanon: minami totally wants yuuri and victor to adopt him

392 656

headcanon: this totally happened ok. it's the best day of his life!!

1896 2488

Remus was the friend who joined in on the fun, but never got in trouble https://t.co/hnwSSSdJsx

0 1

headcanon: Mars quits looking for Cyrus and goes shopping with Jupiter
(don't have time to finish this today. sorry)

0 3

(Headcanon: Bonnie a veces se despierta con el pie izquierdo, y sigue así hasta que se toma su café de la mañana.) Parte 2/2.

330 785

(Headcanon: Bonnie a veces se despierta con el pie izquierdo, y sigue así hasta que se toma su café de la mañana.) Parte 1/2.

308 742

headcanon:cuddler jason is my big fav💓

107 222