Anyways and hope I don’t give off another vibe lmaoo

1 9

With all this commotion, let it be known that 😊💜

0 2

Are people actually lying about this shit? Smdh. Dont often take photos of myself so this selfie is a few years old but

1 5

heres my face and also some school work i havent posted yet

119 856

why twitter conflicts the funniest thing ever

455 3476

i might be bright as a light at night but going back 3 generations in every ancestral direction & on all identification documentation

322 1878

Not sure what all the ruckus is about but

107 578

heyy lol *does a back flip* y’all should check my work out

8 39

Just in case you didn't know ✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽

123 976

and people pretending to be black is a big yikes from me fam

4 9