Noo, she was planning to go after the fusion experiment😭😭

0 9

Get off my screen Chandra, I'm so disappointed in you

0 8

Wow, Ravana should befriend Indra, that was some first class manipulation right there

0 7

I wish I could've smacked Ravana😡😡 Also, I would love to learn this wise Kinnara clan Sura's name some day

0 9

This doesn't make all the awful things Kinnara did go away and I still don't like her but this whole convo humanizes her and makes it easier to see why she decided to get rid of Airavata, not just to be strongest but bc she was afraid of being erased as an error

0 8

I hate Ravana so freaking much, he knows how to manipulate someone. Also, his comment about "reproduction" is kinda funny when I remember Agni and Brilith's baby

0 8

That's so sad, I wonder what happened to Raltara

0 8

Okay so this tells me that Kinnara always had a fragile ego but she had common sense and she respected Airavata

0 8

Chandra should've understood that they were making a mistake the moment he was standing next to Ravana

0 8

Hmm, so everybody knew that Kinnara was getting weaker and weaker

0 8

Ohh, there may have been a lil amount of time skip. This got me really intrigued tho, did Ravana and Chandra convince Kinnara to betray the humans

0 8

I love this scene so much bc if you showed this to someone who doesn't read out of context, they might go "Wow, this guy is so romantic, he loves her unconditionally" but in actuality, Indra is a first class manipulator

0 10

Just like how you'll be when you're not needed anymore, isn't that funny😃😃

0 9

I knew that she had to be with Indra, what other god has so many red flags?

0 10

Yeah, he should not pass up on this opportunity, I don't think he can find a better teacher than Yaksha. Also, ofc Ananta noticed he's not a Rakshasa as well😁😁

0 10

😂😂 I love Ananta so fucking much😂😂 Ofc he must be Yaksha's friend, real recognizes real

0 10

I should've known that a Yaksha conversation would obviously be this fantastic

0 10

Wow… As a creature who lives long and doesn't change much, seeing creatures with short lives who can change very easily must be a fascinating thing to observe. Also, that shot of Yaksha is fire💙💙

0 10

Haha…ha… well…👀😬

0 9