So is again! 🤠🤙
My name is Matheus, I'm 24 years old and I'm a Pixel artist and Illustrator graduated in Visual Design, currently living in São Paulo - Brazil 🇧🇷.
I like sad songs and junk food! 😭🍔


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(Matheus) Cross, tenho 23 anos e mexo com ilustração digital tem uns 12 anos +-
Estudo animação e faço freelas, uso meu tempo livre pra streamar e pra fazer uns desenhos bem dementes(só postei os bonitinho pra não assustar o pessoal)
Fb e insta são o mesmo @ daqui!
Bjundas <3

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Mais uma ilustração que fiz para o projeto O Bom do Videogame 🙂
Agradecimentos ao Patrick Matheus pela direção de arte e por me ajudar a 'modelar' os personagens.

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Entãoo... me chamo matheus (Theus, Gaspar), tenho 20 anos e desenho digitalmente uns 2 anos!

Meus desenhos mais recentes, ou os que acho melhorzinho ahusahsu:

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Jutsu Goiano das Sombras por Matheus sensei

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Weekly pick from contest
From mmatheusmotta, samuelmds94, samuelmds94, bhavesh_artsy,enjoy!😘
Only 6 days left for the submission, have you done your design yet?
Note that only the artworks appear on the entries gallery will be admitted as the entries, or it is invalid

4 29

Up there by Matheus Lopes

9 26

So is 🤠🤙
My name is Matheus, i'm 24 years old and I'm a Pixel artist and Illustrator graduated in Visual Design and currently living in São Paulo - Brazil 🇧🇷.
I like sad songs and junk food! 😭🍔


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Where is he sailing?
Photo by Matheus Guimaraes

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Beastmaster And Princes’ First Localized Route Will Be Matheus’

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Bianca e matheus

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Eu sou o Matheus, tenho 20 anos e adoro fazer desenhos pro lado realista (pelo menos tento né kkk)


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