Hi 'Airport' thanks for the continued retweets - from one first lady to another!!! Maud.

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Maud checks out the commercial angles of Twitter - learning is earning!

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Ok ok so Maud hasnt the greatest sense of humour - but she's not one to be crossed...

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Paris, France Artist: Maud Vantours

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You think the sun has come out and life will be simpler, not necessarily, and certainly not for Maud

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Hi Lee, thanks for the follow, Maud is tickled pink

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Wow Cathy, thanks for the follow, Maud is tickled pink to have a real artist following her......

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Maud just bumped into the edge of consumerism - worry not she thinks she's got two hats...

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Hey Simply Chscake - thanks so much for the follow - maybe Maud should try cheescake with her coffee!

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Hi Hawt/Rox, thanks for the follow. Otherworldly erotica interests Maud but she has some way to go

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Hey Perry - Yellow was on Maud's mind (if she has one) the other day..

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Hey RK thanks a load for the follow, Maud's taking it easy today, all the best

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Hi Heather, thanks soooo much for the follow, Maud cant read a book, but she can read a situation....

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Maud heard a story about a buttercup, but don't believe all you hear on the internet.

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Maud feels exactly the same - what is it with Prokofiev, poetry and shadows?

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Sorry, Gorgeous, debonair, modest, and forgiving - a bit like Maud :)

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Hey thanks for the follow Martin, Maud is flattered

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Yes we're good thanks, hope all is well with you, Maud's keeping busy

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Hi Romance Ebooks, thanks for the follow, Maud has a coffee all she needs is one of your books!

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