Just listening Shinobi by GReeeeN I keep immagine them doing the whole band thing (human Raph design band)

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I'm not sure whether to post this or not but here we go
something cute 👉👈-run away-

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I was planning to show this tomorrow, but I prefer now x))
Femboy raph(?

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Due to I don't have enough time, I won't be able to continue the fancomic ;-;

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A little birthday gift to myself earlier this summer- turned 18, so I thought why not bring a few other 2003 kids with me? (I also just,,, really like how clean the sketch came out HHSGSFSG)

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(This is kinda a late Mothers Day thing bc it was yesterday for me but anyways-)
headcannon that Mikey makes Happy Mothers Day cards for Raph bc they see him as the mom of the group :]

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