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He's just a little lad,,, our little vashie plush....

7 14

I recently read Trigun Maximum and... Biblically accurate vash 🥰

6 9

I haven’t watch stampede but hope Milly appears in the next season
Here are some little designs I made :D

23 55

Happy 25th Anniversary to Trigun! (1998)

5 11

ive been thinking about this moment ever since ep 12 came out so enjoy

12 25


2456 10200

thought i might as well post this enjoy my contribution LMAO

6 9

Priest loves the warm inside of a demon

321 2131

뭘그리고싶었는지 몰랐는데 아무래도 신혼울밧을 보고싶었나보다

1483 7846

vash biting knives has been living in my head rent free

596 2635