Scary Face

Because a good friend knows exactly how to scare you.

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Grocery shopping with cat before heading back home!

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Little thing I did to see if doing live streaming was possible without my computer exploding!
I think quality of the video is not perfect but. . .better than nothing!

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Just realized I forgot to submit this, as well.
I have no idea, I just actually wanted to draw Garou with a huge cardigan—Charanko happened to fit in there, too.

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A month of spooky stories with the gang! And this is probably my most cameo heavy comic yet. Enjoy!

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have a fresh Charani! making these posts reminded me i hadn't drawn her in a while

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. . . .I have no excuses for this one. I just wanted to draw my boy.

Ignore the shitty pun lmao

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All it takes for them to be happy is a bicycle trip to the nearest Burger King.

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Charanko: O-o-ow—!! It stings!!

Garou: Shut up and stop squirming, you idiot. I'm almost done.

In which Garou is so done with the way this clumsy redhead constantly gets injured for the dumbest reasons.

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I'm pretty sure Garou had no idea how to deal with getting even the most little amount of affection, at first.

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They're watching Godzilla. And yes, Charanko has a mothra tshirt, got suggested that from tumblr—

Charanko loves seeing Garou so happy, especially when it doesn't involve him doing something dangerous.

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Mi viñeta de hoy Domingo 15 de septiembre de 2019.
No les ha importado que sus alas se mancharan de barro rescatando de la muerte a los más indefensos. Todo por amor del más puro y desinteresado. Con seres humanos así es imposible que perdamos la esperanza en un mundo mejor.

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Here, have Charanko with mouse ears for no reason other than the fact that he's cute and I have no self-control—

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