When you have a cold and lose your appetite it's good to eat thin rice porridge with lots of water.

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Ichigo is off school today. The doctor said she has a cold, gave her some medicine and told her to rest.#CookingMama

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When Ichigo and Ringo left for school today they found the ground frozen and couldn't leave the house!

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Looks like it's going to snow today! Wait a second... maybe it already started by the looks of Max!

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Mama and Papa took Max for a walk together. The mornings are chilly so we put on our scarfs!

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I could still see the stars in the sky when taking Max for a walk this morning. Cold but refreshing!

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The wind is so cold that one of the towels I hung out to dry froze! Be careful not to catch a cold!

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It was so cold this morning! Be sure to wrap up warm so you don't catch a cold.

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Happy New Year!
I hope you have a great 2016!

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Just a few days left of 2015. Here everyone helps clean the house from top to bottom for New Year.

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Merry Christmas! Has Santa Claus visited your house? Looks like he came to our house...!

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I opened all the windows today when cleaning the house, but moving around kept me warm!

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Just half a month left of 2015. Was it a good year for you?

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I made a Christmas Stollen today with plenty of dry fruits! Can't wait for Christmas!

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It's turned really cold. Chinese cabbage and spinach are really tasty this time of year.

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Walking on leaves made a crunching sound while taking Max for a walk today. It made walking more fun!

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Tonight's dinner is roll cabbage, a regular dish in Cooking Mama games and a favorite of everyone!

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The only one not feeling the cold in this house is Max. Papa took him for a walk but came straight back!#CookingMama

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This morning was chilly so I made Ichigo and Ringo wear a scarf. Wrap up warm so not to catch a cold!

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Birds ate the mandarins I put on the bird table. I hope they can tide the birds over during the winter.#CookingMama

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