Shadowpaw’s gonna be in for a real treat when he finds out he’s been manipulated.

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okay here’s a masterpost of my designs for our three protagonists of the broken code! i love them very much but i’m also lowkey really tired of drawing tabbies sdkfkkdnd

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ShadowPaw from the newest arc of Warrior cats. It's the first arc i read when it first releases so i'm pretty excited for the second book.

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Rootpaw, Shadowpaw and Bristlefrost, the new generation of battle cats!

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SPOILERS // Finally got around to drawing the new protagonists for The Broken Code! I love these idiots so much and I hope they get to interact more as a group in the rest of the arc!!

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Also a continuation from my last post
Drew it quickly but proud of the results tbh!!

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Biggest thing about this collection is that we did a whole new encode. The old DVDs were a bit-starved, blocky mess, and now it has plenty of room to breath. The original masters are very clean digital SD, and the new encode did is the best this show has ever looked.

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I'm looking forward to seeing Geomotus' character in He looks really promising. It's interesting that he will not be getting along with Prowl, who I always read as autistically encoded, but it's more realistic since their personalities clash. In conclusion:👍

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I heard Bramblestar might have rabies

22 122

『Dead Red Encode』に連れていく鳩

39 70



vocal 鼻の下くん。
mix、encode hato さん
Twitter版 まとり さん


19 62

Macht mit bei unserer um die Chance auf einen Zeraora-Seriencode zu bekommen bevor sie ablaufen! Alle Informationen findet ihr in den angehängten Bildern. Danke an alle Leser und Fans für die gewaltige Unterstützung. Von Fans für Fans! 💚

108 158

We will have a new batch of our posters available next month, encoded with random amounts of

6 6

- Bottle
Acidianus bottle-shaped 1 is (unsurprisingly) bottle shaped! It infects & was found in an acidic hot spring. Its genome encodes 57 potential proteins, only 3 of which are similar to known proteins.

0 2

Ab sofort und bis 15. November könnt ihr im teilnehmenden Handel einen Seriencode für Zeraora erhalten.

10 31

今まで描いてきたメインキャラ、狐娘と兎娘2人のまとめ本”縁”と”因縁”がテーマのケモミミファンタジー『enCODER's re:Collection』をメロンブックスさんで委託させて頂いておりますッ!縁の狭間でひっそり奮闘する獣耳娘にご興味ありましたらよろしくお願いしますッ!!

21 30

HarryP 様の ぼくらのレットイットビー

Vocal・Mix・Encode / きぢ

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Ab heute bis 25. August könnt ihr Seriencodes für Groudon und Kyogre bei GameStop erhalten.

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