I couldn't find this before in my stash but here it is now.

In the Origin edition, Char's father death is suspected to be caused from exhaustion in mind & body. Haman's father in CDA was also overworked, not to mentioned he lived many years in the harsh environment of Axis.

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Right now imma just lay down in bed and hope for exhaustion to kick in. Got work tomorrow and dollars to donuts says someone is gonna link this thread to someone. But man.. I just want this bum mood to end so I can get back to my normal crazy and not depressed crazy.

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i managed this tiny doodle before exhaustion set in art is fake

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I am tired from walking and bleeding from the past. I don't see the future as it's hazy. I am imbalanced.

resumes M 1230-130 resting from

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In Montreal days like today are semi-expected in July. As a kid I suffered really bad heat exhaustion and had to learn coping with it. A lot of people here don't have that experience, so making light of the situation isn't okay. It'll be dangerous so please be safe !

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No. 734: Yungoos
Loitering Pokémon

It wanders around in a never-ending search for food. At dusk, it collapses from exhaustion and falls asleep on the spot.

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I'm just doing a few "easy" pictures at the moment, family difficulties.. waiting for some news on my mum, who is in hospital. Terrible exhaustion after years of having to deal with my autistic brother. A massive wake up call. "Portrait of Destruction":

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Fanart Friday time. Spent a couple of hours on this, had a hard time trying to stop fortunately increasing pain & exhaustion got to me before I went too far.

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Got hit by a freight-train of exhaustion mid stream and had to end early but still had fun! A big welcome to my latest subs! and . Welcome to the Also a big thanks to for being awesome and gifting that sub! You guys are fab!

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A villain concept I came up with in the midst of exhaustion and a vague head cold; The Big Bad Wolf. He literally turns into a giant, terrifying wolf that can teleport, so as best to sneak up on ya. When not getting into trouble, he’s on the prowl for a decent burger. 🍔

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Ahaha I know this is beta-testing but this is my fourth time putting in my emotions from all the bugs and I'm about to die of exhaustion AHAHAHAHA—

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Happy monday! Is there a thing as being overproductive? I have so many drawings i've started (and abandoned) and so many new ideas that i'm just going to do them all til i die from exhaustion 💀. It'll be fun.
Currently: OC,

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Sorry about the delay. Jet lag and exhaustion is one hell of a cocktail. https://t.co/1pe62VKUrA

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a little bit of exhaustion

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Still everyone has his own art style and preferences. Some reworks were made. Dangerous on such projects but I supported the changes to make it best. And to slow down artist's exhaustion. Working on something that other person started can be not of a big fun.

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I was working on something today, but exhaustion got the better of me this time. So instead have some more things I colored in 2016.

This is 's OC which I colored a long while back. Original sketch is by . Good stuff guys!

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You can do it! You're so close, hang in there! Remember not wanting to be stuck in school longer than you are, think of how it'll feel. You're temporary exhaustion & stress to complete yr thesis will feel like nothing. Nail that conclusion, go, go! Here's a Hobi for good luck!💜

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Have le funnies before I pass out from exhaustion, lol

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So.... this came up tonight while talking to my friend about the fact that the miraculaous have to have brains in order to be able to experience exhaustion etc.... so I made this.... Tikki skeleton x-ray thing.

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