Retrogaming Memory! ❤

Title: Track & Field II
Publisher: Konami
Version: NES/Famicom
Year: 1989

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Me recuerda un poco al caso los juegos de Bola de Dan.
El de Famicom se parece a ese Yu Yu Hakuso para Super Famicom, mientras que las versiones de 16-bits era lo que tenía que ser, un juego de Balón prisionero.
Y... ahora me entero de esto:

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Pure legendary. Glad to draw this knowing this series has a bright future.

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Somewhat of a hidden gem to me. It's probably more popular than that but I wish I knew about it long ago. It's basically a whole other Zelda 1.

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The box-pushing puzzle game. It's on your calculator, it's in your game design class, it's the Tetris before Tetris.

Art-Fight is gonna slow these down a bit, but I'll sneak a good few in.

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One week early for our patreon supporters we discuss Gunman's Proof! (Game Club Episode 2)

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Off to battle!
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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Ushio and Tora is well worth investigating as a lesser known light. Based on the man- beast relationship it features some very slick oriental back drops similar in style to Ghost Sweeper Mikami and executed with similar panache.

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Item artwork
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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Need a hand?
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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Never hurts to help!
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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Don’t forget to buy the merch!
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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This is Link. I mean Link-I mean LINK-L I N K - I -!!!

This is Dana. Hero of Hyru-FUUUUU

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This is a game from a 30+ game series from Konami that only got a handle of western releases.

I've began to wonder if Nintendo should attempt a "Region Locked NES Collection" so Westerners can officially play Japanese games.

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Gentle with nature
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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- Starfox Guard (Wii U)
- Jesus (Famicom)
- Mario Power Tennis (GC)
- Metroid Prime Hunters (DS)
- Dino Riki (NES)
- Super Ghouls N Ghosts (SNES)
- Mini Mario Friends amiibo Challenge (Wii U)

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Ready for battle
‘Sword World’
Super Famicom

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