Don't you just love Ilulu's fingerless hands? 💖💖✨✨
(Don't you just love Ilulu entirely??? (′ꈍωꈍ‵)💗)

9 42

메이드래곤 ver.돌고래 채색 중.
엘마는 일각고래 무늬로 했다가 못봐주겠어서 걍 큰돌고래 무늬로 바꿈.
토르 복장은 꼬리고기 에디션.
루코아는 걍 지우고 싶다.

3 17

Sketched a chubby Elma~ I’ve been rewatching Maid Drong and she’s just my fave~

0 5

Extra WIP - Ilulu / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

Ilulu Flat colors (the only thing flat in her)

19 156

Extra WIP - Ilulu / Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid

these will be all ver. for this one, making Ilulu fanart very light

11 87