is hard because I DID keep my DeviantArt & I have SO MUCH old art I could choose, like how far back should I go?? I'll spare you my 2003 Neopets art.

2012 - started drawing superheroes
2014 - started painting superheroes
2019 - .....still... painting... superheroes

1 14

I love these comparisons - my artwork from 2010>2014>2018

4 28

Decided to do [2012/ 2015/2019] one painting from the year I graduated highschool, one from the year I started art school and one from this year (the year I'll graduate)

2 7

1997, 2008, 2019. I love this kind of meme.

10 82

Oh, this is a fun meme.
2004, 2014, 2019

0 16

Só fanart
2014 ✨2016 ✨2018

12 133

Hhhh improving slowly but steadily I hope T_T (2012, 2015, 2018)

0 21

Heres my (think that's the hashtag??) Art!✨

Old: 2011
Mid: 2014
New: 2019

26 291

2009-2014-2018. I haven't made any new painting this year so I'm putting something from last year. I've always had a thing for fantasy/tribal guys 🙃

13 121

2015, 2017, 2019! I don't give myself enough credit for the how much I've improved. Sorry I've posted that elf three times but it's all I've completed in 2019. 🙃

2 18

Oooo an ! I haven't done any illustrations since late 2017 so let's do that one first!

2015 -> 2016 -> 2017

4 44

J'aime ce

- Fin 2016 :
- 2018 :
- 2019 :

3 17

ahhh you know I can never resist a "look at my old art" meme lmao

2005 / 2012 / 2019

1 31

2016 (look at her right hand KKKKK) - 2017 - 2019

0 7