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Today's Joe's Bar..inspired while having a beer with Celebrate by ReTweeting!

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Fans de LEGO, qui n'espère pas qu'un jour, Nintendo mette en vente une série TLOZelda... hehe

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Cool !!! Did you know LEGO figures make the perfect cable holders?
We do now!!!

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Check out how John Liberto uses LEGO to help create designs! http://t.co/PrjDNyUDz8

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Celebrated getting my PC back online with some ... back to my other projects now!

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Me! As a Lego figure. With Uni-Kitty, my aforementioned soul-animal. marches onward.

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こないだ滑り込みでLEGOムービーを観てきました。しっちゃかめっちゃかなアクションと展開が楽しく、いい余韻も残る良映画でした。ワイルドガールのなびく髪にレゴおぉぉぉ! ってなった(笑) 

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Support the 10th Doctor LEGO Set http://t.co/HmgP16Qbe8 Tardis is bigger on the inside, retweet!

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Heh, my inspired by

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Working on the first board of Lego Ergo Est! (inking + color). Not used to work on dragon designs but well, why not.

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All credit to the designer who created this fantastic set.

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The minigroup artjam this week was LEGO. Most of us drew our own characters as LEGOs: http://t.co/OC8bCqS9qp

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Went to watch the LEGO movie today, so is Batman, Emmet and Lucy from :)

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Lego Movie poster by for is sooooooooo good.

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In "Beautiful Lego," Mike Doyle has assembled a stunning collection of art made using Legos. http://t.co/A2YuHu32tB

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