画質 高画質

Arthur has just ended up with an androgynous cousin who in an alternate universe wound up with Jennymon. He works for a shitty fashion magazine as a photography and loves vacationing and carries Jennymon under one arm everywhere.

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Merci ! Comme Jenny m'a notifiée, je me présente ! Je suis auteure indé sur mangadraft et amilova ! je travaille sur un manga, et sinon sur des illustration !

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Merci pour l'occasion !
Je suis JennyMiki, auteur indé sur Amilova et mangadraft. Et je fais des illus quand j'ai le temps entre 2 planches xD

Et sinon je t'envoie aussi sur les amis Et

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I'm not sure if the colors are right, but here's some Jenny art for !

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de la semaine : Pink Diary !
Par édité

Kiyoko se réveille en sursaut dans une chambre qui n'est pas la sienne. C'est celle de Tommy dont elle était secrètement amoureuse et qu'elle décida ? sans la moindre explication ? de ne plus jamais revoir...

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Jenny Saville es considerada “heredera” de Freud por ser británica como él, por su gusto por las carnes, y por las composiciones escorzadas.
Este es el cuadro que se vendió el día que Banksy rompió su obra. Esta pintura de gran formato fue la obra mejor vendida de la subasta.

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Finishing up jenny, going to do a small background template for her.

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Jenny argues the enjoyment people get out of taxidermy and other collections isn’t just limited to visitors — can get a real kick out of working with these specimens too! Tune in here: https://t.co/4f112UKsDK

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Jinnymon has a subspecies called Jennymon (Jenny Greenteeth) and she wears a walrus costume. Her next form is selkie related and uses the tusks as weapons. She is Jinnymon's (relative?) old neighbour and doesn't show up til much later but I know y'all can't get enough amphibians

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Made in New Mills, Saturday 24th Nov, 10-4pm. Get drawn, get inspired, get your Christmas presents here. Support a local maker this Christmas. We REALLY appreciate it.

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⭐JUSTICE⭐ Spent yesterday recreating this Jenny Frison variant cover with because art hasn't spoken to be like this in a hot while <3

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Maybe I had a little problem with the boat but thanks again Jenny🤷‍♂️

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Brook and Jenny
trade for

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Illustration from The Wonderful Adventures of Nils by Selma Lagerlöf, who was born in 1858 and in 1909 became the first female writer to win the Nobel Prize. Read Jenny Watson on the complex depths beneath her seemingly simple tales: https://t.co/QSVOZsRbmk

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