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Beautiful black and white image, Santa Clause is coming to town :) XxCathleenxX

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Same image, five different palettes. The newest ones are frost and snow.

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I heard 3.12pm is the perfect time to tweet an image, so here it is!

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sneaker_girls_by_Tomiokajiro.jpg (JPEG Image, 750×1064 pixels) -... http://t.co/2Utb6e43cR

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Beautiful image, sir! Such lovely colors. Here's an auto-extract of your color palette!

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Threw down some colour on the image, thinking I might do it as a - any tho... http://t.co/VruEDpoBW5

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Been faffing with my image, can't resist this little so and so!

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Olympic_Games.gif (GIF Image, 718x927 pixels) - Scaled (54%)Get... http://t.co/oZ0IgytcLm

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110310-decades-6-02.jpg (JPEG Image, 399x283 pixels)Get a... http://t.co/RmWcTUtxgV

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Finally got CC. Test image, a little different than my usual stuff. On dA: http://t.co/U5l0HTKKoJ

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000001964.jpg (JPEG Image, 529x555 pixels) - Scaled (99%)Get a... http://t.co/R70apPDaxb

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I shld be drawing WarriorXRanger instead of AssassinXHolyMage, but i reli like AXH couple so much!

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ロール別 Summoner Icon
Tank, Support, Marksman, Mage, Fighter Assassin

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tumblr_n1yucbobHK1rua8fho1_1280.jpg (JPEG Image, 640 × 960 pixels)

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1904 team pics could be sombre. But in the top image, something happened...

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New image, using Photoshop, preparatory work.

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I love the colours on this image, originally designed in 1927 by someone called Cyril, but I can't find any more info

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Une image, un message ..

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