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「"Sabato" アオイ・フーバーと DRILL DESIGN によるテーブルウェア」展より*人気は3匹のうさぎが仲良く並んだプレートです。http://t.co/yMPSjabG9t

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The Boson attack sound effect is a mashup of a squealing pig, a whale & a dentist drill. Painful.

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明日より*『"Sabato" アオイ・フーバーと DRILL DESIGN によるテーブルウェア』がはじまります。フーバーさんの絵を収めたカップやプレート、手ぬぐいなど、ぜひご覧ください* http://t.co/yMPSj9U5hV

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Fire drill selfie ❤️

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Illustrator draws attention to arctic drilling for http://t.co/0Nukjlg35k

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Writer honestly sucks at using PS, and forgot her tablet BUT. "Needs more twindrills!"

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Wake up, vanquish a few giant black eyeballs, take a nap. You know the drill.

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Mr. Drillerパロ・希と絵里

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been rewatching the fire red series while drawing pokemon and thought you'd like to see my beedrill

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Drilling holes on a Friday night

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Never forget, Beedrill's here forever

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Every time someone complains about Beedrill, gets another life.

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Taking a little break from comic to do something cute.
Wolf is a fricken QT ;D Drill that Dozer's eye bebeh!

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明日のコミティア、め18b「drill'n girl」で参加してます。販売物はショートギャグ集のごちゃごちゃドリル1・2(各300円)、近日発行予定の男の娘本試し読みペーパー、プラ板マグネット(各400円)です。お待ちしてます

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