Day 4: Keyhole Turtleneck
Oops forgot the turtleneck specifically but, well, I guess she has a naturally occuring one prior to evicting her curls

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Day 3: Wet see-through
Capri wants to show a special someone something nice~ ❤️

(hint: it's her original holomint Charizard which she, tragically, forgot to waterproof for this very occasion)

0 10

Day 3: Wet see-through
I drew this first thing this morning, didn't realise I was predicting the weather lol

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Day 2: Just woke up
Capri isn't much of a morning person... or an afternoon person, either.

3 16

「apricot diary」の開催を宜しくお願いします!☺️

28 152

Day 2: Just Woke Up
Just to tone down the fanservice here a bit I should mention she was just snoring and made loud snorting noises as she regained conciousness

5 38

転校生受け・あんず受🍊apricot diaryをよろしくお願いします!!!

42 197

There are pigtails in there if you look hard enough. I've been trying to draw my animal crossing char and practicing more doodling. I've been way too embarassed to post anything still am. Can I- like... just cringe in a corner or something yikes.

1 7

Day 1: Twin ponytails
of is doing a cute advent calendar prompt for December and I thought I'd join the fun! Capri is usually too lazy to ever do her hair, but when fanservice is on the line, she can accomplish anything...!!

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Day 1: Twin Ponytails
of is again doing an Advent Calendar with a fanservice trope each day & again I couldn't resist drawing along with Cammie! She sports twintails often, so for variety I depicted her post-sewing machine incident.

10 32

Decided to sketch this after watching the VOD of BSApricot’s stream. So enjoy a Chibi Froot

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できたできたー!#芸カ23お品書き です!瀬名あか新刊と、大空ドリームアクスタ2種、クリアシールを頒布します〜!アクスタとシールはそんなに数ないですが、新刊は今までで1番刷りました…!#芸カ23 Apricot Syndrome ア26でお待ちしてます〜!

9 27

新刊、会期中間に合わないかもしれないけどこんな感じのを出したかったんです……#芸カ23 【ア26 Apricot Syndrome】新刊『誓う未来と、くもり空の向こうがわ』瀬名さんがほんのり悩む瀬名あか本 B5/18P 300円 ※書店委託とかBooth予定してます 絶対出るアクキーはツリーに!⇒

21 49

Froot: I’ll nercromantic, so I’ll only fall in love with you if I can bring you back to life.

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Felt like doing a padoru of Apricot.

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mona個展「Apricot moment」


大阪庄内 ギャラリー「犬と街灯」にて。


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