A little sneak peak of Zootopia Jaydick;)

58 97

Overdue tumblr prompt: JayDick helmet kisses

Dick is a fucking tease!

81 149

Do you know the other guy, Nightwing?

…No. I don’t think so.

24 36

DamiJay 久违的42哦,不过还是要说明一下

20 55

JayDick Wing hug~ / Featherverse

155 261

Peer-to-peer hard gig.#Jaydick

39 90

友人戀戀的 魔王與勇者 AU

62 146

JayDick 给别人画的图~

42 107

everybody's watching him, but he's looking at you you-you

121 246

I promise to build a new world.. for us two, with you in the middle.

119 247