OLD ART BUT HEY!!! My buff bi gender Ru, She'll punch you or take a punch with a big smile on her face. She's one of my oldest oc's who started out as a pokemon gajinka of my Rapidash from Pokemon Diamond. And then Non-Binary Jia, pretty bird with a streak of being a prankster

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Hello! I'm Megan Huang and some of my upcoming projects are 'Jia and the Nian Monster' w/ and writer, Mike Richardson! And the backup, 'Life' w/ writer for 's upcoming book, 'Tartarus'

portfolio: https://t.co/yvPTXQs1Nz

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Shenzhen fanmeeting (≧∀≦)


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I decided making the with my En'jia!
I really think it looks good, kinda? I'm not the type who knows how to design clothes or that kind of things but I like the result!!

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Me regalaron una jia li en facebook!!! i_i es tan Bonita!

Soy una mala madre que no la dibuja T-T💔😭
Pero la ame! ❤❤❤gracias dany! Eres un sol!

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Did some doodles this morning - A Duro and 's Jia :3

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------IDV DESSERT ZINE------

Soda -
Etola -
Jia -
Burg -
Joodaru - facebook @/jooodaru

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I’m so overjoyed with these absolutely beautiful commissions of my ocs by !! Her art is so gorgeous and unique and she captured my characters so well! You can find more on my characters at https://t.co/t44C7x7O24, these 3 are Ema Inoue, Jia Lin, and Sabina Badi.

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My ship Jia Xu x Motonari Mori
ชิปค่ะ ชิป

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💀 All done with Zhou Lan's DW9 splash art- It was fun but gdi Jia Chong's outfit was a hella long struggle LMFAO 😂

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