I'm loving this conversation, Yaksha is so right. Having a strong foundation to rely on even when you're drowning in intense emotions is so freaking important

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Don't worry baby, this wasn't your fault. Also, I'm sure that Yaksha will acknowledge and appreciate Ran's mindset about reflecting on your past mistakes (which is basically what Menaka was talking about)

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Phew, I'm so glad that everyone is okay even though it breaks my heart to see Ran crying. Also, look at that scale‼

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Can somebody save them please

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Is Ran trying to push Hanuman towards a damn star?!!!!

0 8

Uh oh… I hope Yaksha will stop Ran

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Fuck! Yaksha, we have a problem here

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I don't know how much Hanuman was involved in this or if she was at all but these shadowy figures encouraging Ran to take revenge on Hanuman even though it would endanger Ran's own existence by appealing to his darkest thoughts makes this situation incredibly sus

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More of that talk that sounds like the ancient humans, I presume

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Omg, thinking about what Lutz went through that day hurts me. Losing both of your parents and finding your little brother in a situation like this…

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Yep, so glad that he made it in time

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Lutz must've interfered then. Omg, this chapter was just currygom dancing on my heart

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Oh fuck, I should've known there had to be more to this bc the way Rana remembered a part of this day was always off

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No baby, you, your brother and your mother, none of you is the sinner in this case. The true sinner/s is whoever caused what happened during the Cataclysm

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That last panel is one of my favorite if not my favorite panel in so far… I knew no matter how he wanted to remember that day, this had to be the truth but seeing it play out was far more impactful than I could ever imagine, it shook me to my very core…

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I have no words for this… Everything about this is perfection in the most painful way possible… I'm already tearing up…

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Who's the "we" here? Who's causing this "emotional resonance"?

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His helplessness is getting to me

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I don't think I'm ready for what's to come

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