In een paar jaar tijd is de sterke, trotse, kwalitatief goede, sociale, betaalbare en breed toegankelijke sociale volkshuisvesting gesloopt.

Gewoon, met beleid. Dat was namelijk het dóel van onze neoliberale Kabinetten.

Wilt u het anders, stem dan tegen de

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New illustration about the end of liberal conservatism in this week's .

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“This is a lively, loving tour of Juana's world, liberally sprinkled with Spanish words to learn as you go.”

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And now, something different. Giorgio Liberale (1527-1579) was an Italian artist who had been working for the imperial court in Prague. He designed over 500 small woodcuts for the first Latin edition of classic Dioscurides' Materia medica.

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Liberalismo é o responsável pelas maiores mazelas do mundo, seja nos países de primeiro mundo, seja nos países periféricos. Seja com a violência direta, seja matando povos de fome, sede e frio! Parem de dar trela pra liberal safado e deixo aqui meus desenhos pra vocês!

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its like garfield except he shames me for acting like a liberal

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Neoliberal centrists, I don't forget, not a fan.

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4. Tog: Lv. 5 paladin (was in D&Doodles Titan Walk Mercenary who wanted to go study liberal arts but accidentally ended up on a holy quest.

Loves dating, genuinely excited to see you. You probably don’t deserve Tog.

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Sandro Botticelli Giovane introdotto tra le Arti Liberali
(Musee du Louvre)

Via 10 & 10

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aw wow look at you go! Really destroying those pesky liberals with that one old timer, nice job 😊 really proud of you for working out how to reply to a tweet all by your self !

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Tirei sorte grande
Uma mãe fofinha e uma mãe liberal maconheira

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Orientalism in its most distilled, unadulterated form: the West sees China not as a sovereign state, but as a civilizing mission. It imagines itself as the guide leading China toward the path of liberal democracy, at which point it will “converge” with the West.

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Este es Robin,es el segundo de los 6 y cumple el 15 de Abril.
Es un elfo oscuro,friki,gamer,otaku y liberalista Xd
👇Mas fotos y datos abajo👇

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