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Ironically, the original Steve E Gordon concept and the Reboot version of Ben both had baseball-style tshirts just like Miguel too! I guess all the best morphin’ kid-heroes do lol

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🏡 Encanto | HBl*t 🏡

Os Madrigal, uma família enorme com dons extraordinários em uma casa mágica... Até aí tudo bem, porém esta família e seu encanto está em perigo;
-"E aí preparado para se jogar nessa aventura encantada?!" 🕯️🦋

Miguellarts. ml | 💚Like + RT

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Hey ! Since Ben 10 took main influence from Dial H, I’d always wondered if Miguel’s jacket design was in-turn inspired by Ben’s jacket from Alien Force.
Fortuitous coincidence, or intentional reference?

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Quise hacer mis propias versiones de Hiro y Miguel mujeres xd

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「折り紙」といえば、『生の悲劇的感情』などを著した哲学者でサラマンカ大学総長をつとめたミゲル・デ・ウナムノMiguel de Unamuno(1864-1936)。左はスロアガZuloaga、右はソラーナSolanaと、当時のスペインを代表する画家が描いたウナムノの肖像画には、いずれも彼自身が折った作品が添えられている

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robot with industrial cristal mask with two babies in an industrial glass belly, red and blue colors, similar to Death Stranding in the style of Miguel Valderrama.

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Here was Miguel's costume, designed by Ryouji Minagawa.

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A história se inicia com Eloá, Miguel e Íris, membros da Fundação Paranormus, uma Fundação criada pra combater e estudar o paranormal.

A Equipe vai embarcar em missões em volta do mistério por trás da Flor de Hanahaki, uma flor baseada em uma doença que o infectado vomita flores

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Kaa x hiro, Christopher robin, Miguel and taran
Donated anonymous commission

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Miguel Ferrer is a phenomenal actor. Watching him right now in Stephen King's Night Flier! The man passed recently and I wanna celebrate some of my favorites.

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Comission for @/LMigueL61
Thanks once again!!! 🥰💜💕✨

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Desde hace rato tenia pendiente mostrarle un shipp en mi Au
Más que nada, el shipp siendo referenciado a una pelicula mexicana de 1985

Miren abajo⬇️

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Miguel Mercado is a Comic Artist and Digital Illustrator out of Manila in the Philippines. His work includes covers for titles such as Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Firefly, Over the Garden Wall, and Sparrowhawk.

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1st by me!
2nd Collab with me and @/MiguelB_32X
3rd @/KetArtDragon
4th @/K1ddKai

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Dow's Puffin wasn't the only bird breeding on the Channel Islands. The massive bonebeds of San Miguel Island also preserve fossils of the Ancient Murrelet, Cassin's Auklet and the flightless seaduck Chendytes lawi.

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