how do you guys like it OwO

3 21

Finishing an Art and testing a new style in colouring :3

1 14

Happy Mooncake Festival!! PVE Collab Stream~
See you later and lets have fun ;-; in Among Us XD
Streaming at:

1 7

Special Mid Autumn Festival PVE Art from papa (I love you papa artist~) for our Collabo Stream feat on Tuesday 9.30pm GMT +8
Come and lets have a blast together~

5 18

PVE Mid Autumn Festival Special Event coming up soon! Like tomorrow XD
Wanna see more then remember to retweet~

7 9

Playing truth or dare with my sisters can get quite spicy but i had no choice but to do it.

"Yeah make me more do cute poses, i'll chew more stuff after this game ends." 💢

Art by: Ayee Na

fanart and art tags

6 12

Hello da~ Another Vroid me made. Me just fix the texture on 👀✨

I mean the base already provide by my daughter. So, the rest me do re-texturing da~ 👀💕✨

Isn't she's cute? 👀✨

7 13

Hey guys, tonight I will be doing another stream of VAA or Voice Acting Aririventures (Lucy edition) on 10:30pm gmt+8 and I do hope to see you all there~

2 4

Another Vroid model me make~ This is the model me make for for 300 subs celebration!

Anyway, me have fun creating this model~ 👀✨

3 27

【Debut Announcement】
I can't believe it's almost time for debut!! See you guys in a week! Please do come, be friends and have fun together~
The waiting room will be up soon. Do subscribe to my youtube channel!

YT :

39 82

Cant believe guy is an Ex Tanker, he draw me so cool with the tank, do check his profile, he open commission for more various stuff

2 6

【突襲直播:09:00p.m/21:00 GMT+8】



4 13

Hi (✿^‿^) my name is Alia. I'm a MyVT retweeter. Nice to meet you

1 2

streaming Left 4 Dead 2 w/ friends! in 45 mins (10pm GMT+8)~

Join me with in our journey to become ZOMBIEBUSTERS!! btw we might die in the process XD

5 12

Oh btw, I'm just gonna stream Yugioh this week 😂

If anyone from community wanna play with me, just dm. It's also can a guerilla collab stream idk

1 3

Fanart for pretty ghost lady !Lookit this!I'm heccin proud and hope you also like it also Momoko-san!X)
Second pic is just for laughs haha

3 16

anyone else wanna join us? there is one spot left!!

i wanna pewpewpew tonite in SMC! i was hoping for vidi to carry me NYIAHAHAHAHA

Stream link:

4 5

cant wait for tomorrow raid on someone else stream..

1 1

Hi guys, it's been a long time in didn't post anything on Instagram. How do you guys doing lately? XD

1 8