La neurocientífica Rita Levi-Montalcini (1909-2012) nació un 22 de abril.
Recibió el Premio Nobel de Fisiología o Medicina 1986, compartido con Stanley Cohen, por sus descubrimientos de los factores de crecimiento.
(imagen: )

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Marie Curie x Anastasia is AMAZING! admiring artwork while reading about radioactivity, strong start to the day! 💪 came across this quote of MC's 😍 "I am one of those who think like Nobel, that humanity will draw more good than evil from new discoveries." 💯💯

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I just minted this week's Drawing Inspirations, created by the amazing !
Anastasia's piece was inspired by Marie Curie, the first woman to win a Nobel Prize (and then she won another), for her discovery of the elements polonium and radium.


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Nobelium Ch=mpath 😌

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"The Grapes of Wrath" by John Steinbeck was published 1939. It won a National Book Award & Pulitzer Prize, & helped Steinbeck to the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1962.

About its Great Depression-themed plot, he said "I've done my damnedest to rip a reader's nerves to rags"

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14 April 1939. The classic novel, Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck was first published in the USA. It’s set in the Great Depression, focusing on the poor Joad farming family struggling with economic hardship. The novel helped Steinbeck to win the Nobel Prize in 1962.

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fancy victorian nobel Yuki to go with pirate Ian uwu

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This Is A True President, A Noble President Whom Should Be In The Running For The Nobel Peace Prize Because He Believes In Peace! 🇺🇦

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Lala is the librarian, she is a Nobel that disagrees with the politic, she doesn't have the courage to speak up, not yet. so she delivers her voice by the books she writes under a pen name.

0.025 polygon

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Sharing some , A portrait of Marie Curie — the first person to receive the Nobel Prize twice.
Enjoyed the colors and the strokes on this one.

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23 científicas e inventoras ayudan a cada participante, mientras comparten parte de su historia vital. Estas «mentoras» son diversas, de diferentes edades, disciplinas y procedencias.
De , y en

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just blew 280 ETH on my Azuki that I think might look like Chumlee vaping a huge rad plume and carrying a 6 foot bong packed with beasters from the Nobel Prize winning show Pawn Stars. How’d I do?

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April 5, 1886: Rudyard Kipling was initiated an Entered Apprentice (by dispensation) in Hope and Perseverance Lodge No. 782, E.C. in Lahore, Pakistan.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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As early as 1948, Barbara McClintock discovered transposons – the „jumping genes“ in maize. This won her the Nobel Prize in 1983. Transposons play an important role in the generation of genetic variability in organisms.

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Mousou Telepathy is a series I 100% adored the fan translation of, so now that I have funds I finally got official copies! Can't read a lick of JP, but I had to support Nobel's amazing works. Maybe one day it'll get an official translation?
Azuma Manami is best Croissant btw

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Some sleepy little Lyra and Snobelly doodles before bed.

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Irena no fue solo una invisible... Sufrió la cárcel, el miedo, la tortura y aún así, nunca desveló su secreto. Gracias a ella, 2500 niños sobrevivieron. Estuvo a punto de recibir el Premio Nobel de la Paz pero...Vas a tener que leer su historia

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Thank you @/NOBEL827 for the cute artwork of Charlotte Suzu. Really captured her at her cutest.

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