Something nocturnal / sly cooper !

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Obviously, I didn't quite finish in time for 'day one', because lul, nocturnal, but...

Day 1, OCtober.

Alys, Human form. Same as when she was wearing a suit, only this time, I actually bothered to do the ear changes.

Anyway, no idea who I'm drawing 'tomorrow'.

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Joining arttrober 2021 hihi
Day 1 - Zero from Drakengard 3

(kinda not day 1 but im nocturnal so i finished late ;_;)

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"Once part of an elusive caravan of nocturnal vulpera, this budding scholar studies the art of scrollkeeping from her sethrak allies to better understand their past."

Starting Offer: $70
Winner receives formatted ref sheet.

Please RT if you can!

42 87


👻The Ghost


He is an iridescent ghost. He seems to be nocturnal.

2 8

AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I'M SO EXCITED! Check out this AMAZING art I got from THE of me and my little boy Juno! I'm just like... AAAAA! Thank you so much, Hora! 🥰💕💕💕💕

6 22

Ahem. Hi. I'm Kaf Taida, the softest raccoon boy this side of the... Dumpster. I live in the alley of a local cafe, and drink so much coffee im not even nocturnal anymore.
People call me and simp, they are absolutely correct. I have a weakness for pretty boys and himbo's.

2 8

Owl dragons are some of the more mysterious dragons and very little is known about them. Most of them are fully nocturnal, like the sooty owl dragon which is rarely seen in the wild and only in places with no light pollution and clear night skies. They are believed to use--

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Anxious Bat 20”x20” digital download art print will be available on 10-01-21. Etsy: HopeToDieClub

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Nocturnal Ninja highres! Original member designs by Wooby and foe and redrawn by sugarbear! Coming soon to the 2021 Monster Box and Monster Masquerade!

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Canyon Walker - Rising up from the abyss of the Nocturnal Canyon, these Walkers aim to destroy everything in their reach until nothing is left.

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Witness Jonny Solomon, a rogue-like detective, attempt to survive a night of horror within the dark city of Night Haven; from the monsters that prey among its denizens.

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A large-eyed small-eared flat-faced round-headed woolly furred Nocturnal & arboreal,Bengal slow loris/northern slow loris is found in Indian subcontinent & Indochina.Inhabits evergreen & deciduous forests,prefers dense rainforest canopies.
Art:Shivangi Pant

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🤎🤍 I think I've officially become nocturnal 🤍🤎

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ギリシャ神話のニュクス (Nyx)、ローマ神話ではノクス (Nox) は「夜」の女神だ。英語 nocturne (ノクターン、夜想曲」や nocturnal (夜(間)の、夜行性の) も関連語である。nocturnal animals (夜行性動物) の一覧 (添付画像) は次より採らせていただいた。

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🎩🌌Glad to present "Nocturnal Collision II" 💥🤪🎨
🧐💘🔎Had so much fun and whenever I see this piece, there's some new detail I could stare for hours🧠✍😌
above and beyond 🚀

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A menacing shape emerges in the nocturnal landscape – a snarling, howling wolf within the trees, with blood-red eyes and gleaming teeth. The spirit of the hunt is alive and hungry.

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Nocturnal Whisperings
by wyldraven

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