For the Batman mythos, it really often is "The Best of Times and The Worst of Times" -Point of Exquisite Suspension: Bat Expectations

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Callie House was a leader of the National Ex-Slave Mutual Relief, Bounty and Pension Association, one of THE FIRST organizations to campaign for for slavery in the U.S.Podcast link >

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First time rigging up a motorcycle. Used an eight joint suspension setup, about fifteen joints in total, looking forward to animating this.

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After the war, Mulholland returned to Philadelphia, where he became Chief of the . He later served as United States Pension Agent, and wrote a history of the 116th Pennsylvania. He also studied art, and was an accomplished painter.

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Happiness is like a pension. You must sob it to enjoy it. This is an of the art

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To those who are unaware, Tommy Douglas is the reason Canada has the following:
1. Universal Healthcare
2. Pension Plan
3. Unemployment Insurance
4. Central Bank
He gave the people of Sask, plumbing, electricity and took them out of a impending recession.

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Random old work.
Pension Life.

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When I was in high school, I would (too often! LOL!) wear a Howard the Duck T-shirt with art I created myself. It would give me confidence... as this memory relates. Ha ha -- Point of Exquisite Suspension: When in Doubt, Sing Loud.

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acabo de ver a un señor en mi TL defendiendo que la huelga no sirve de nada y que mejor privatizar las pensiones y ahora quiero meterle en fallout shelter y jugar con su vida

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me: oh suspension’s not for me
Jungkook: *does this*

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“Chuchu Jelly? It’s not *%#$ing jam mate, like you put it on a sandwich. It’s smells like bloody old age pensioner feet. I wouldn’t feed this to a Moblin!”

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He was in Rome (1513-6). He had a good relationship with the Pope & met with the French King. He entered the King’s service in 1516, & was given a Manor House & a pension. Woman (1508), Embryo (1509-14) & St John (1510-15). The latter was based on an idealised Salai, his lover.

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For post 24/365, I have a simple illustration of a hat to go along with a blog post -- Point of Exquisite Suspension: The Hat

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sor rooms that feel like threshold spaces – thinly veiled interiors with glimpses of the exterior, grilles or indoor plants, typical in the tropics. These are all thrilling states – a kind of magical suspension....©Lisa Brice

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U.S. Army has begun testing newest Bradley variant with new suspension system

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Please prepare for nutrition dispension...

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