Had a fun evening drawpiling with 🥰💜
Some results i doodled, ty for joining me again 🥂
Still cant stand the program but drawing w friends is worth it

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watch me be all productive on my day off. Another Master Zira with Eden (in my AU angel!crowley has a snake called Eden💜👀)

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If you thought my au was soft, i sadly have to disappoint you ahhh... Enjoy it anyways pls thanks.

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Eventually, my Master Zira met 's demon Azirafell as his first introduction to the multiverse ahaha
[Alternative title: Into the Good Omensverse]

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No. We're not friends. I don't do friendship or relationships, they're weaknesses.
- Master Zira, 0.02 seconds before falling for Crowley.
wip bc i wanted to show off zira's wings

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watch me put actual effort into shitposts 😂
crowley and bele, who obviously wants to slay some demons 👀

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oh look, it's my own Crowley design 👀💜
I need a name for my rev au 😭also ill try to make a design for demon Gabriel and Aziraphale tomorrow = w=

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Hi twitter!
I'm opening slots for commisions.
Dm me for those who are intrested

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and being gay af
I adjusted my angel bele's outfit to be less extra so they wouldn't be noticed on Earth immediately uwu

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So because of a few beautiful dorks on the good omens discord/the rp server I designed Beledonel (who's practically angel!beelzebub)
since I'm very much into the idea of them punishing demons, they got a whip 👀

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