one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people use " 's " to make a word plural

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May Contain Multitudes - Diabolic Plot

Viola sometimes thinks about how she will use her demonic powers to take over this system, but she doesn't want to have to deal with boring stuff. So in the end, we're safe.

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Endlich: überwunden! Die Asylanträge sind stark rückläufig. Ein Hoch auf die pluralistische Demokratie in einem offenen und toleranten Europa!

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May Contain Multitudes - Servitude

Viola likes to tease me in various ways, often by claiming that I'm her servant. As evidence, she cites the fact that I do take care of mostly everything for her.

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Viola is our newest. She tweets at . She has been fronting often, but only when she can do what she wants. She leaves boring tasks to the rest of us.

She wants more people to talk to her. She calls herself an evil demon, but she's really sweet.

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I just learned that is a thing.

So, uh, hi. I'm one member of a plural system.

I make comic about plurality. The first comic was an introduction of the members, though there is a fifth one nowadays.

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Fig 5) Multiple, more complex arrangements of Chouses and Chunnels are known as a Chungle. People who live within a Chungle are known as Chungus(es) [plural] (See: Fig 6). Chunguses that live in a Chungle but have their Chouses connected by a Chunnel are Chungus Cheihbors (Fig 7)

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Yes, it's "octopodes" although "octopuses" is also acceptable. "Octopi" is the least linguistically-correct pluralization of octopus.

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Hi! I'm a trans girl, creating a very queer sci fi webcomic and trying to improve my arts.

Website for comic is I also draw smol comic about plural life

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“What did he mean by "society"? The plural of human beings?”

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Character modeling concepts tutorial - pluralsight

Finished the shoes now and will be looking at starting the head soon 😊

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How unfortunate. Maybe he’s showing one too many abs 🤔

Also don’t get upset with me if there were not *exactly* four attempts. Plural attempts were made. As the numbers in the song get higher, I’m being forced to get a little creative.😅💦

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. is exhibiting the Istanbul and Plural collections at the - Stand J23

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some random Krisis, yes you heard me. krisis.
The plural of Kris is Krisis (Crisis).

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I drew Neigh and Whinny themselves! My sonas, all artsy and stuff. I feel like my art block is over! Um-

I'm not good at hashtags, hehehe

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Siempre en este tipo de cosas me da pena el usar el plural masculino. Otras veces intento sustituirlo por otra palabra, sin género, o cambiar la vocal final por otra letra...

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not everyone likes meltan and thats unfortunate because i like him but at least we can all agree that heliolisk is the best pokemon and deserves his own spinoff series and animes (plural) am i right or am i right? crazy ass sun lizard so badass he can SURF. NO WEAKNESSES. NONE.

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The fundamental condition of me
exists to connect me with you,
it is,
You and I are,
This way,
in plural.

Moises Rosales

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