Some people I know are doing this little competition where you gotta draw Glyle (Lyle and Gloom) as another fictional couple. And I think I hit the nail on the head with Starfire and Nightwing.

13 89

Been a minute since I drew Edie, the daughter of Simon. Sam's Niece and Lina's Cousin. I just didn't have many ideas for her until someone pointed out she has big Rouge the Bat energy, minus the Bat.

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Short people will get it.

7 95

I wanted to make a Simpsons Reference and think of an idea that Lyra partial to eggs. Namely of the Scrambled and Omelet variety.

11 117

After the last piece I did. I was in a Fallout mood, So I drew Lyra as Joshua Graham from Fallout New Vegas. Just because.

5 95

Tiny Lupa and Liby because everyone likes cute stuff

23 133

My part of a trade wiht
Lupa done effed up now. may not look as nice as his, but he likes what I did, and that makes me happy.

5 33

Sweet Babu Lulu getting some new clothes thanks to her ubber dork dad, she looks happy despite Lisa's "really" expression.

Art by I only translated it

4 16

Dibujos que termine apenas..
No tengo los ánimos para casi nada, probablemente mañana pueda dar los dibujitos que dije
No quiero decepcionar a nadie -sobsinkiddo-

1 17

A request from a friend of mine on Discord.

Kuco tries to exercise but you know who keeps looking at her funny. 💜🤎

6 26

Marla siempre cuida de sus amigos, y eso implica enseñarles a defenderse cuando ella no pueda hacerlo...pero Lyle no parece enfocado en el entrenamiento...

Arte de yo sólo lo digitalize y coloree.

4 9

Something that my Discord friends kept sending that I had to go and do this.

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