# savant

Oh yeah! D-Pad Studio is going to be at NGC and we're nominated for an award for Savant Ascent? Needed a new poster!

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Congratulations to Emily Read, Honourable Mention Artist of ArtAscent “Blue” call! View more: http://t.co/YncNljCaTs

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Our first 2 pieces of artwork will be on sale tomorrow - Holme Moss ascent....

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New Savant Ascent icon. A little better than the V we have used so far.

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A few more votes for top <3 Help by voting Savant - Ascent for GameMaker GOTY here: http://t.co/EHzoRBMlaz ;D

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A prize within Savant's grasp! Game of the Year Award, link to vote Savant - Ascent http://t.co/EHzoRBMlaz

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Vote Savant Ascent for the Golden Joystick award :D Such an honor to be nominated for an award in our own country!

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Savant - Ascent NOW AVAILABLE on AppStore & PlayStore! It's $1.99! Gotta go fast! Real fast!

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Congratulations to Jennifer Nicole, winner of ArtAscent “Figures” call! View more: http://t.co/ByGvMliybe

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ArtAscent "Figures" issue is here! Amazing artwork and stories. http://t.co/ByGvMliybe Click on Magazine Issues.

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The Ascent, 30in X 30in X 1.5in, Mixed-Media on Canvas. ART COLLECTORS: email marina.com

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The ascent of humankind and the unobtainable oblong box (2012). Watercolour painting for sale on ebid.

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My piece "The Ascent" will be at Linus Galleries for "Life: Real and Imagined" exhibit. Reception: Aug 24th (5-9PM).

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