By popular demand, Billabus the Barksheep! Look at his grumpy face, his climbing feet, his pseudo magical naturally-growing barkwool armor.

10/10 would scratch his mossy belly.

Thanks !!

4 21

Here is an orc's belly. The top was to be animated separately so he could do things like shoot in 8 directions while walking.

1 0

390 - Chimchar
Type: Fire

Its fiery rear end is fueled by gas made in its belly. Even rain can’t extinguish the fire.

1 3

Well, you know your trainer has gotten a bit carried away with the rare candies and curries when your fit body gets transformed into a big, soft, jiggly belly.
Requested by an anon! Thank you so much! ^^
And yes, i can say that, i will take furry requests ;3
Hope you like it!

1 18

I bet you have a lot of fire in that belly. 🔥

161 804

Air master, one of Maves enemies that secretly causes trouble to see her and imagine doing things with her body. Mave however usually breaks most of his bones to to him always grouping her belly.

17 107

Quarantine buzz and belly.

127 684

Germany- Hetalia with a hungry belly. A gift for a friend who has just started up on tumblr ^_^ I wish you the best~

3 17

Oh, and this is how she'd look like post-pregnancy, except for a bit more of belly.
Still shamelessly allowing herself to rock even after fully maturing.

(pic by chhiccennuggett @ FA)

4 1

Feeling flustered, was pinned to the wall by a big belly. It seems Wedran had a bit of a growth spurt of sorts? Though, instead of growing taller, the red panda grew wider.

"Told ya I could grow!" the red panda chuckled.

Commission for

39 193

"If you eat a watermelon, a baby will grow in your belly. That’s what mama always told me."

Read 's flash fiction from The Mystery Issue of Popshot Quarterly here in full

4 13

Here's a ref of my Gardevoir Lillac. Just to spitball ideas, maybe the pokemon can manipulate with the sizes of their prey. Making them smaller and them making them bigger and bigger, and eventually Dynamaxing a prey inside the pred's belly.😅 maybe not exactly like that tho

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SPECTRUM sketch commission for , gift for stuffmybelly.! <3

19 88

Alternative: Shining sleeps on her belly.  

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A full satisfied belly. What more could you ask for?

Art: © cirqueduvale on FA

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