chester bennington and kaenbyou rin (linkin park and touhou) by yoruny

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He was a voice of a generation.
Their songs became anthems of a generation.

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" R.I.P. Chester Bennington 1976 - 2017 นายเป็นเหมือนเพื่อนที่โตมาด้วยกัน" by

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Rest in Peace Chester Bennington

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RIP Chester fave LP album at the moment Minutes to Midnight

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My heart hurts, thoughts going out today to Chester's family & bandmates.
Damn, this one hurts.

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"Eu guardei tudo dentro de mim, e embora eu tenha tentado, tudo desmoronou" -In The End

Chester Bennington

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Rest in peace got me through some tough teen years and you will be sorely missed. Holding back tears.

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IN THE END we remember the stars falling from the sky. my last concert

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Heart breaking 💔#chesterbennigton

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Saddened by the news of was one of the reasons I got into alternative rock. will be on repeat today. RIP

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I had to paint my hero tonight. Tears havent stopped. You made me able to face my bullies everyday Chester.

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Chester Bennington rest in peace! your voice will be eternal!

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RIP thanks for being such a powerful, influential part of my life.

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