We made a bird table this morning so we can see the birds from the kitchen. I hope they like it!

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Today the kids asked me to make Fried Chicken. I'm seasoning it with garlic, ginger and soy sauce.

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I found a cooking book on Ichigo's desk this morning. I'm happy that she likes cooking too!

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I'm making accessories with Ichigo. She became really good at it and is probably better than me now!

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We found so many acorns and chestnuts when we were walking and saw a squirrel with its cheeks stuffed!

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I watered the tulips we planted. They're still sprouts, but it's exciting waiting for them to appear.

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I planted tulip bulbs today! Now is the best time to plant them. When they blossom they're so pretty!

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I made pancakes today! I like to eat pancakes with maple syrup and butter. How do you eat yours?

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I'm making accessories with Ichigo. I remember making accessories when I was Ichigo's age too!

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Last night Ichigo made cookies for her friends, without my help!
They needn't make them in secret!

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I found a spider as big as a child's hand in the washing.
I carefully put it back in the garden!

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I'm making a birds nest. I cut some wood and held it in place with nails. Almost finished!

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Do you get out your winter clothes yet? The kid's clothes are still OK but they've outgrown them!

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Max is walking the dog today. The same course as usual, but the Autumn leaves make it feel different.

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I smelt the scent of Osmanthus flowers at the back of the garden today. Could they be blossoming?

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Its cooler these days and the sun's rays aren't as strong. The air is crisp - Autumn is here!

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The weather was nice this morning so I went about weeding the garden. Looks so much better!

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I wonder if the swallow I heard in the garden in July has left the nest and flown south yet.

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Have you tried the app Cooking Mama Let's Cook? You can combine a recipe you've made with another.

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The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

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