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Happy #SpiderManDay!! #TeamRed out here hyping their fave Spidey lol ❤️🕷❤️
Dedicated to @aiilenox for putting up with my comic rambling all the time lololol<3
#spiderman #deadpool #daredevil #marvel
En Knights of X #4 se nos confirmó que Betsy Braddock y Rachel Summers tienen sentimientos románticos la una por la otra.
#Marvel #XMen #Wolverine #NewMutans #JeanGray #XFactor #XForce #Marauders #ScarletWitch #Deadpool #XForce #KnightsOfX
✨needs therapy gang✨ #SpiderMan #Daredevil #Deadpool #MoonKnight #Venom #Punisher #Marvel
Some days I’m fighting imposter syndrome and some days I remember the talented people who think enough of me to work with me like my homey Jeremy (who Storyboarded Deadpool 2 and Doctor Strange 2) and some days I think I might know what I’m doing.
Life is weird
My Top 10 Issues With Deadpool on PS3
10. The camera
9. Counter and evade are the same button, making crowded situations difficult
8. The camera
7. Enemies show up in droves and often take a million hits to kill
2016: Deadpool
2015: The SpongeBob Movie Sponge Out of Water
2014: Song of the Sea
like litteraly, deadpool doesnt actually like chimichangas, he just likes saying the word, this is also made by the person who made the deadpool chimichangas joke trope in the first place
Oct 24, 2014. By: Deadpool0414
[9 Yeahs!] [1 reply] (US)
"I could do better"
@valkyriesnorth he's truly just chilling. also fun fact this issue had cable say this which later on got referenced in cable & deadpool (god someone take him to an amusement park)
I feel so incredibly fortunate that they got Deadpool SO RIGHT in the films. Perfection.
Thank you, @RhettReese @paulwernick @VancityReynolds and @timblur.
Just right.
Thank you!
They talking about some groundbreaking stuff here
#transformers #Maccadam #Deadpool #Whirl
When MK12 comes out who would fit as a DLC character
Deadpool or Deathstroke?
*deadpool voice* SUPERHERO POSE! Basil's new magical outfit is making a POWERFUL debut~ :P #MagicalBoyBasil #queercomics
// eyestrain
"Look ma! I've got fanart!"
#deadpool #deadpoolfanart
Dentre todos os carismáticos personagens que Deadpool reuniu, Míssil Adolescente Megassônico (Negasonic Teenage Warhead, no original), interpretada por Brianna Hildebrand, é a com o nome mais curioso. E isso não é aleatório. [+]
This chara inspired by Kate Bishop and Deadpool from marvel ❤❤
I will drop soon 🔥🔥🔥
I've mentioned that I don't like Deadpool and Spider-Man being friends because I don't think it makes sense for Peter's character.
However, I do think Ben Reilly befriending Wade to be more plausible and would look at Wilson with more understanding than a lot of other heroes.