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Feliz cumpleaños amigo mio UwU. Wey quien diria que otro año mas celebrando el dia q llegastes a este mundo...Quitando lo sentimental Amigo un feliz dia para ti y que tengas dicha en tu dia especial

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Saeko will always be there when there is a hat

your comment gave me the idea

12 54

*wakes up in bed singing at 1000% energy*



*eye fucks Gardevoir*


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Day 16: Yitchi meeting her favorite Christian.

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gardevoir upset their attack stat is 65 instead of 125

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Gardevoir/comision para Sergio(pdt:alguien saqueme de su sotano:,v)

4 15

saeko nurse Even if he doesn't want it, he must be cured

22 82

Good Moaning Lewdies! With the new Pokemon games coming out in a few days, what is your favorite Pokemon? Mine is Gardevoir! Specifically Shiny Mega Gardevoir?

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Custom Shiny Gardevoir wearing her homemade sublimated hoodie !

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💌 Goodnight 🤍✨

Working late so I'm leaving my second figure on. Already have a figure with a standard Gardevoir, but this duplicate features a shiny Gardevoir. 🖤

💌 Truly the light of my life. 🤭✨

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A Gardevoir family photo!
Featuring my Garde in the middle and her parents, who are owned by my friend at https://t.co/BmZgC5NkzO

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💌 Nell and beloved's Gardevoir,, just some doodles 🤍💚 (1) Nell's Gardevoir is a bit more reluctant about Mega Evolution and greatly admires Diantha's partner.

(2) Espurr is very attached to Nell's Gardevoir. 🤭💜

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I was on a big break from Pokemon after Gen 2, and while browsing the internet around 2010, I discovered Gardevoir and saw it was a Pokemon, so dived back in with HGSS and haven't stopped since. Gardevoir's my main in every title.

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Braixen pregunta
Cual es su top 5 de Pokémon favoritos?

El mío es:
🥇- Braixen
🥈- Sylveon
🥉- Gardevoir
4.- Fennekin
5.- Aegislash

Espero funcione esta dinámica 😁! si no pues esté será el primero y el último ☹️

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Gardevior, or as she likes to call herself Rai. Is a psychic fairy Pokémon. Unlike most gardevoirs Rai's psychic ability aren't that strong but what she lacks she makes up with her intelligence. She created a headset that she uses as a conductor to strengthen her abilities.

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