XD este fue mi primer dibujo de y el primero que subi a amino de el primer ship que ame 💜💙 xD(y amo) y me siento orgullosa de mi progreso Bv

2017/2017/8 (xDcesque casi ya era 2018 cuando lo subi xD)

52 220

The time when you can't recreate your drawing from sketchpad to Photoshop by just looking at it.

0 1

AH! Zephyr Prime got released today! Still haven't gotten a single one of her parts yet.... Thank you to those that stopped by tonight to watch me paint her! Now gonna go farm some more...

46 313

That was a very big piece of work for me. Took me like forever.
I'm actually not that happy with my shading and I would really appreciate every single advice to help me out.
Cheerio guys. :)

1 2

💕Bonnie Bonnieto con la almohada Bon y mi ropa UvU

145 546

💙Lapin-Tenía que hacerlo UvU , quien me conoce sabe que adoro este Fanfic y así que dibuje esto con amor para ustedes espero les guste TwT.

💜Lapink-Bon no es precavido el estaba impaciente jajaja XD

217 643

Mangle: "¿En qué piensas tanto?"
Bon: "Nada"

56 201

Today I'll release a project over a year in the making. It's a VERY special collab between & me: a full 12 min animatic ft nearly 100 pieces of original art. Pics incl to give you a flavour of what to expect.

24 91

magic has always been part of my life
so why not create myself as a mage 😎

0 1

Bringing light into darkness. Watching our country fall apart, nothing anyone can do. It’s very scary, sad, and so depressing. I feel for the children, the families getting torn apart, goes on and on.. depression worse

2 5

En respuesta al reto de:

Dibuja a la OTP para comérsela.

119 438

yunjae as fetus, two babies fated for each other. cute isn't it? :3

4 10

Ugh...guys I'm going through the ugly stage of this one right now - trying to get through it. 🤣 . Have you taken a ride on the art strugglebus too? If so, how do you get off of it?

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