I hear it's so here are my two characters that close to marco: Vio the Zephyr Beast and Oliver the Dragon Kaiju.

6 47

"Don't ya think I still look a little fat for a kaiju?"

Decided to draw up Oliver again and I'm very happy with this pic! I decided to give him some texture using the pokka dot brush in FireAlpaca! Whaddya think?

17 109

I like to think that this is Goliath enjoying himself for once in his life...

4 33


Kodai: How should I know?! NOW GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Gee, I wonder. Maybe it has something to do with you eating twice your weight in food daily, Fat Boy?

6 49

I mean, I technically have three fursonas and a persona...

3 12

Just felt like looking at how Kodai has evolved over the three years of his existence (2017-2020)...

9 63

"Who's a Bouncy Boy? Who's a Bouncy Boy? That's right! That's my boy!"

Poor Goliath. Even to this day, he can hear his father praise his big ball gut...

22 101

"Bucho Mio, I swear they're making these chairs flimsy on purpose!"

You sure it ain't because of your 600 pound jelly donut filled body, Fat Boy?

23 128

Literally Every Restaurant That Kodai Goes To: "DAYUM, KID! You're so... FAT! Don't you think you should go on a diet?!"

9 70

My part of a trade for ! Finally got around to drawing some Chunkrat eating dumplings. Looks like he's about to burst...

6 44

Here's a dumb idea! What Yotsabou becomes so desperate to meet Kodai & Ty'Ron himself that he wills himself to be born as their son?

5 29

Vladimir doesn't just go bare bellied to save his tailors some grief due to his button-busting gut, he's also an exhibitionist who believes his belly is the "symbol of Hyrule's perfection".

10 48

I just realized that Valentine's Day is coming up. What should I do for it? More specifically, which OC couple should I draw?

6 44

Considering that Yotsabou is unaware of Kodai & Ty'Ron's presence within him, I like to think that he has Urashima Syndrome when he pops up and needs to be briefed on current events.

5 52

And here he is! My Magical Bara Man! Don't have a name for him yet! Any ideas?

19 69

I was thinking... if Vladimir was an actual character in The Legend of Zelda series, what would his role be and where would he fit?

4 31