Obra da série "Mergulho" do artista Gustavo Machado para a exposição Flores e seres.
Mais obras no Instagram ( https://t.co/ccuT34GArO ).

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Got The Dissection of Vertebrates by open on one side of my laptop and my sketchbook on the other. I could be working out, but I'm building muscles another way

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Miscellaneous invertebrate cavalry.

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Série "Fotossíntese" da artista Giovana Santoro para Exposição Flor e ser.
Mais obras no Instagram ( https://t.co/ccuT34GArO ).

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Però no acabava de quedar bé en el disseny de la portada, així que... Dibuixo un doble motiu ben estiuenc: una papallona i cireres! 😀
(Pels que no ho sapigueu, els i del món de l'Ornis són gegants 😱🦋🐝🐞🪲🐌🐜🦗🪳🕷️😜)

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🦴 Indian Tertiary and post Tertiary Vertebrata.
Calcutta: Geological Survey Office [etc., etc.], 1874-1902.

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Having done some arachnids, some miscellaneous invertebrate steeds. In this world, apparently, the only way for a lady duellist to get to her assignation is by lobster. SHout out to who might like this one.

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(Recurvirostra avosetta) sweep their curved bills side to side to search for aquatic invertebrates. SciArt by Elizabeth Gould for John Gould's Birds of Europe, Vol. 4 (1837). In via : https://t.co/AadRgdQXcL

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Fossil evidence is known of an individual that ate a pterosaur, with a tooth belonging to Irritator still inserted into the fossil neck vertebral column of a pterosaur. Artwork by

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...is slower as restrictions ease. So this week Snails and Slugs. Less known and rarely pictured those land invertebrates were also produced by the Blaschkas such as the Leopard slug, Limax maximus (534)

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Been thinking about this for a while, but I may do a little series of invertebrate cavalry. Here is the first, riding a Devil's coach horse beetle (based on a photo by Stefan Rotter).

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Día 7: Idioma.
Willy sale de paseo con Fargan y este hace ruidos de búho. Unos minutos después aparece una lechuza y se apoya en el antebrazo de Fargan, y Willy decide hacerle una foto.

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🦴 Indian Tertiary and post Tertiary Vertebrata.
Calcutta: Geological Survey Office [etc., etc.], 1874-1902.

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June is a great month for getting up close and personal with your local bugs. Our new online educational resources now have a step-by-step guide to observational drawing of land or river invertebrates at https://t.co/GzahTDZaVk

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Extinction and the park: Vertebrates on the brink as indicators of biological annihilation and the sixth mass extinction........ https://t.co/tVTePeHfDu (Images: BHL)

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Shoutout to cuz we’re getting slimy and invertebrate on day 4!


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The study of atlases of several Neanderthals of Krapina (Croatia) suggests high prevalence of anatomical variations in the first cervical vertebra of It supports the theory that genetic diversity was very low, what could be one of the causes of its

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¿Practicas ¿Y Son geniales, pero al final necesitas despegarte un pelín, aunque sea por conservar alguna vértebra y/o pezón… como me retuerza más para apartarme sin despertarla, voy a terminar con las que voy a poder usarlas para 😂

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Day 5 of my Tried to fix the sizes of the facial features. Also - Took my own reference photos this time so that I could get more accurate shading and highlighting.

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