for being such a great inspiration, for opening gates to so many future cartoons that include LGBTQ+ characters, for the quality of script, backgrounds and music and for so MANY FEELS💙 I'm forever grateful

520 2357

some more background art appreciation

8 81

for being a strong influence on me for drawing digital art peices.

2 7

Everyone is posting screenshots of their favorite characters saying things like "This is the best character of Steven Universe" when the best character was with us the whole time since season 1. Smh.

2 3

for coming into my life and becoming one of my favorite cartoons! SU (along with it's creator Rebecca Sugar) has inspired me to create my own characters, stories and projects, that hopefully I'll share with you guys one day! Thank U Rebecca Sugar!!!🏳️‍🌈🌈💗

0 9

is trending so I'm gonna repost the piece I painted on the day of the finale <3

454 2177

is trending, just thought i'd say that the show may of had it's flaws, but I think it was still a great show.

Also seeing a lot of hate in this tag. Don't let the people spreading hate get to you, reader of this!

1 9

Man, half the people in this tag really just shittin’ on SU. Why can’t people just... not do that? This show has given so much to so many people, me included. Just leave us alone for once and find something better to do lol

99 587

screw off weebs this tag ain’t for you

Anyway now that’s out the way, thank you su for making me comfortable about my body and who I loved while giving us a great story!

40 515

Is seriously only trending because wanna spread a shipping hashtag of Eyeball & Aquamarine with Like, why? It's not exactly a bad ship, but it's kind of a weird thing to see go on trending of all things.

0 3

for being one of the first American kids shows to have LGBT characters, but for also having a male main character whose strongest strength is empathy and for having one of the best osts in American animation and inspiring me to draw fanart!

1 13

you've taught me the joys of sexualizing a father and son. That making a character with serious Attachment issues into comic relief is fine. You've taught me consent by making the fusion rape victim into the villain and the rapist the hero.

8 72

I’m not positive why is trending but I’m here for it!! And hey, it’s a good chance to post some of my favorite SU art I’ve done this year!

(clearly I love the pink vibes oops)

0 3

I saw this hashtag on trending and I was reminded about all the childhood memories and morals SU has taught me. All I'm gonna say is

Here is fan art of Bluebird Azurite from a few months ago. What were your favorite moments from SU?

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