Me running from Monday coming closer...#SaveShadowhunters

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Truly a shame of the century, cancelling and not letting you star in season 4. 😫😤😖😣😰😥😭

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클레리 완성했다 ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 머리 넣고 보니까 룬 그릴데가 없어.

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It makes no sense to walk without giving you a hand.

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Going to rewatch 3x18 again some point today, am I ready too experience the angst again ? No. Am I still going to watch it? Yes 🙃 bring it on 😣

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미안하다는 듯 다시 상자에 들어와 알렉산더😫어엉어어어엉

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Ahhh I want the new episode like right now but I know the angst is gunna ruin me so I’ll wait 😅🥺😰

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AU내놔 프리폼 한화로 끝내버리다니......AU😭

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Ok but the episodes just keep getting better 🥰 someone please save this show it deserves so many more seasons 😩

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클레이스 드디어 함뜨했는데 시즌4가 없다니.. 결혼룬 그리는거 봐야되는데

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