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New Post: Comic: Pinkie Pie Says Goodnight – Your Story https://t.co/8GHsOK7rJO

35 161

Kinkiest royals in Equestria

Bisexual (female lean)

Switch (no lean)

Literate/detailed RP


Kinks above

150 328

No one, and I mean NO ONE, gets the drop on Pinkie Pie.

27 208


6 26

I drew this for .... I ended up spending a lot more time on this than I planned haha ;w;

0 3

So again, I'm late to one of the character days.....Happy late Pinkie Pie day!! Also, I want to thank you all for all the likes, shares, and follows again. I'm trying to be more active so I can talk to you all more often. Again, thank you!!! 😘😘😘

3 20

New Post: Drawfriend Stuff - BEST Art of Pinkie Pie Part 2 - (2019 Edition) https://t.co/xhbhP7Kx1x

19 103

New Post: Drawfriend Stuff - BEST Art of Pinkie Pie Part 1 - (2019 Edition) https://t.co/ccsr9Da6OV

18 99

Jinkies it’s Here are some of my more recent pieces.

1 13

omg I had no idea! I’ll have to try draw something, but if not here’s some pinkie pie art I’ve done!! Some of it’s pretty old💕

1 6

New Post: 50+ Fanfics to Read for Pinkie Pie Day! https://t.co/wisLMRPZiG

11 71