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Shaman has been struggling ever since nerfs to Galakrond almost a year ago. Will it finally find its ground in Darkmoon Faire? theorycrafted 4 builds - C'Thun Quest, Totem, Aggro and (R)Evolve. Check them out here: https://t.co/sVSz5HMZq3

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Yakutian black shaman - Orosu

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If I want it, I will make it personal on request PM, but for now I will answer briefly.
This is the lover and passion of the second hero, Xi'ang Y-Lon. A shaman and just a sweet little darling who loves my "monster" pandaren man .

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Shamanic Princess sketch 😇😈

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Classic: —
TBC: frost mage
WotLK: fire/arcane mage, unholy DK
Cata: frost DK, fire mage, resto/elem shaman
Pandaria: frost DK, holy paladin
WoD: frost DK, resto druid
Legion: frost DK, resto/feral druid
BFA: retri/holy paladin, elem sham, frost DK
plans for SL: frost DK =)

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Shaman king
El dibujo a nivel personal me encanta y es de los animes que veía de niño, le tengo mucho cariño a la serie.

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un dibujo de mi villano favorito de la historia de no se me ocurrió que poner de fondo xd por cierto les recomiendo de que vean el anime, es terrible bueno

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Name 縷々時守 兆々
Respect Rapper 盧笙
Respect Shaman リリララ

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¡IVREA se pone en médium e invoca al fantasma de tu abuela para publicar SHAMAN KING en una increíble edición 2 en 1!

Leé el anuncio completo en nuestro blog: https://t.co/CmSoopiHs7

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From my shamans to yours /salute

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Forgot to post that i did this
lovely goblin.

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¡Hoy os mostramos las sobrecubiertas del primer tomo de Shaman King! Como podéis ver son reversibles: en una de las caras tendréis la portada del tankoubon 1 japonés y en el dorso podréis encontrar la del tomo 2. ¡Queda a vuestra elección! ¡Jueves 26 a la venta!

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Absolutely in love with Atsuko Ishida's designs/illustrations for Shamanic Princess. Might even watch it, it's only 6 episodes long

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anna - shaman king

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I bring tidings of ancient kaldorei druid. She worships Ashamane to an almost zealous point and is ready to throw down

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