画質 高画質

it's kinda sloppy but i wanted to stretch myself and try and redraw a panel from the rwby comic ( of course, taking a little bit of creative liberty ). i blocked out what she's saying just in case anyone hasn't gotten to this part yet and doesn't want spoilers. i'm p proud!

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Gabigol apareciendo los últimos 2 minutos del partido

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Thanks for the opportunity! If I win I'd ask for my OC, Liberty! c:

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Some digital sketches I’ve done today~
First one is Jared from by !

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ベージュと赤い小さいボールは、以前フランスのルーアンから。真ん中のゴールドの装飾のガラスボールは昨年ロンドンのLibertyから。そして今回のデコレーションはフランスからアメリカを経由してやって来た 製。東洋の果てで一緒に飾られています。

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and I were playing old Disney flash games together and we came across the Lilo and a Stitch alien creator. We created backstories for them and took some creative liberties. It was so much fun. Here’s my boy, Orville Sputtz:

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Coneixes la Neus Català, supervivent del camp de Ravensbrück?

“Mai vaig plorar davant d’un nazi. Era la meva manera de resistir. Només plorava a les nits [...] els nazis em van prendre la son, però no em van prendre la llibertat” ✊🏾


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Went from wondering how I'm going to add the sparkle effect to Danny's marvelous sequin cape in the animated collab I'm part of to uh..taking some creative liberties.

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man i don't wanna shame anyone's art but what the hell went wrong with the steam version of Corpse Party??
if they maybe took some liberties with it but this is just shittier versions of the other sprites lol they look like 7 year olds
bit disappointed i guess

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time to go apeshit on creative liberties for this. im bringing my cat piano

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So in between doing commissions I managed to draft this hunky Elemental Hero Avion!

Fist time drawing E-Heros so why not the first?!
What do you guys think about my first try?
Might take a few liberties for the sake of erotic art....
And yes this will be a patron reward!

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OPEN 15:40
START 16:30
Ticket ¥1,500+Drink¥500

『BLACK LiBERTY』というバンドで出演です!

5 18

Samedi lecture au coin du feu. Un café brûlant, un plaid, les derniers quatuors à cordes de Beethoven. Je me replonge dans William Blake, fasciné par le génie et la liberté de l’artiste. Je regarde ses gravures pour « Jérusalem » sur : https://t.co/h3DOWIcIZJ. Magique

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BLACK LiBERTYで2回目の出演です!

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Cool palette play. I have got used to the palette knives. They are incredibly fun to work with and I am producing textures I never thought were possible.

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todavía me falta algunos, me tome un poco de libertad creativa

5 14

Pls don't smear a man who can't tweet back

Ross didn't sell drugs. Others did.
He was a libertarian who created a free market based on the non-aggression principle.

Consenting ppl CHOSE to exchange BOTH legal & illegal goods, most commonly weed (as shown by Carnegie Mellon).

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