画質 高画質

February 2022 >>> December 2022, the trick is to not have a social life and draw till you get chronic wrist pain 💅🧍

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i eventually learned how to procreate lmao
( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )

29 414

2009 -> 2022

There are so many free and easily accessible art resources today. If you are even remotely interested in creating art there is no excuse to not learn.

4 38

2021/2022 go montrer l'évolution ici aussi !

0 8

Поки що маю тільки арти з 20 року на противагу:(

2 20

Through hard work and sleepless nights I became worse, actually
(I guess my life of failure can serve as a cautionary tale at least)

2012 vs 2022

13 210

End of 2021 vs end of 2022, now basically, just gotta put in the work!

1 2

2015 Vs 2022

Siento que aún me queda mucho camino por recorrer, pero no llevo mal ritmo.

3 10

first digital art & latest one <3

7 42

2013 | 2022
everyone sucks at first. keep drawing youll get there

8 79

9 years of being a cat girl enthusiast apparently ✌️

I don’t consider myself someone who improved particularly fast but the time I spent drawing over the years has gotten me to this point and that’s something I’ll cherish no matter how critical I am of my art.

3 31

Ici on se fait détruire par l'algo de Twitter mais on garde le sourire 😎

(2019? VS 2022)

5 19

- Pic on the left is from 2007. I've been around for some time. I saw the rising stars and I did pay the price for doing (almost) everything you shouldn't do when learning. But hey, I'm still here and kicking.

7 43

2019 / 2022
между этими картинками три курса колледжа, а в этом году я получаю диплом по дизайну ✌️

0 19

Still drawing blue haired guys 10 years later but hotter

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