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Les manhuas (mangas chinois) ont la côte en ce moment. Après (Todag et Soul Land), la toute jeune maison d'édition française va lancer son 1er titre cette année: Dou Po Cang Qiong!!! 49 tomes au moins en Chine et toujours en cours!!!

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Yous like Martian ManHunter and is like the Green Lantern right.. and yous guys is a part of the justice league of YT.. just saying facts.. 😂😃 lol

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lol “the manhua will be different” 😂 right... if you changed this, the entire feeling of the story would change. really wish official team don’t make such comments.

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<Trending!> I'm a bad-tempered girl who falls in love with a nice guy. Would he hate me for being like this? I can't hold back my emotions anymore.
✨Title:Three-Point Line of Love
🌺App: WeComics

1 1

A wallpaper and a wallpaper calendar for you. Don’t forget to share with your friends.
Title: My Fiancé Candidates
App: WebComics

1 11

ohh it has a manhua !!!!! the art is so cute 🥺🥺🥺

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GUESS WHAT poyun's manhua is finally out on bilibili you can all read the first chapter for free why aren't you all doing it yet


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<Trending!> As long as you're right here next to me, everything's gonna be alright. If it's meant to be, just let it be.
🌟Title: My Manservant Prince
🏵App: WeComics
Crazy Update +4 chapters after 2 hours~

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eu lembro q na primeira vez que eu li esse manhua, eu me apaixonei de cara pelos personagens, principalmente pelo personagem principal, Yu Yang. As relações são bem desenvolvidas, a arte é maravilhosa, todos os personagens tem uma personalidade marcante.

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mds eu respiro esse manhua, é o meu preferido. É muito mais focado na comédia e na rotina dos 4 amigos. Acho que a maioria conhece esse manhua entom vou apenas deixar no ar aqui e quem ainda não leu, VÁ LER IMEDIATAMENTE. Perdi as contas de quantas vezes ja li isso.

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A wallpaper and a wallpaper calendar for you. Don’t forget to share with your friends.
Title: My Gentle Giant
App: WebComics

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Just because BB won't be a BL like how many wants it to be. sebby is now part-timing at this manhua. 😭😂

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meus mangás/manhwas/manhuas preferidos

se algm falar mal deles eu mato

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Top 10 Manhwa/Manhua Mc is Strongest Martial Art | Fanboytube https://t.co/y9Y8PhX9uZ via

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Pict 1 otw canon btw sorachi sensei yg nyuruh biar kita nge ship in mreka
Pict 2 bismillah saja smoga ga berakhir angst:)
Pict 3 seme terbucin seantero manhua
Pict 4 msh tidak menerima ending angst sampe skarang tulung, seme nya bangsat tapi aq suqa:(

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59 331

Dia 23:
Como estou tentando evitar repetir vou escolher essa comic que está entre as minhas favoritas! A sinopse é bem interessante e, apesar de algums poucos clichês, ela é bem diferente. E já está no cap 86!

Manga/Manhwa/Manhua: Hold me Tight https://t.co/fRchHCbGZs

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