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Two big things - firstly, and happily, all the Orcish Tent Correction edits are now done, and ALL impacted pages have been updated!! Read them on my patreon, link is in my profile. Secondly, due to growing COVID-19 concerns, Ithacon 45 has been cancelled.

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Me trying to isolate myself away from everyone during COVID-19

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Licking The Corona Virus

Licking Covid-19

Licking the Pandemic

Licking the Flu



Holy Lickers

Licked for God


0 4

COVID-19, be afraid...be very afraid!

Dr.Conker is on his way!

48 226

ประเมิน ไว้ต่ำมากอ่ะ โดยเฉพาะอีอนุทิน
ตอนนี้WHO ประกาศให้covid-19เป็นPandemic แล้ว

14376 2397

A Message from :
As you’re aware we’ve been monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation in the Boise area and the surrounding states and have been in constant contact with The City of Boise and Central District Health to track the rapidl… https://t.co/F9mR39ZAUx

4 13

This is the best visual example of why containment and mitigation is the best strategy for COVID-19.

Its not that it kills more or less than the regular flu. It’s about healthcare capacity.

13 45

The latest research has reported that ACE2 (angiotensin converting enzyme 2) is a functional receptor for the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to latch on and enter.
Here is a blog we wrote to include all the information you want to know about ACE2: https://t.co/GK967F9NoD

1 2

"number24" Episode 11 and 12 has been postponed due to COVID-19 (CoronaVirus)

Episode 11 will air on April 8
Episode 12 will air on April 15

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(미리 올려놓는 D-13💙)

35 46

വിശുദ്ധമായ ആത്മാഭിമാനത്തെ കെട്ടിപ്പിടിച്ചിരുന്ന അതും കൊണ്ടങ്ങ് പോവാം😏, സൂക്ഷിക്കുക.
News: COVID-19 | Stop hiding the symptoms of virus.

0 1

◎あなたのサークル「AlertHangar」は、日曜日 西地区“B”ブロック-20b に配置されました。


61 109

このグラフで日本が外れ値となっている原因は、データの不備である可能性はもちろん残されている。一方Pandemic 2009H1N1での日本の死亡率が他国より極めて低かった事実は、日本でCOVID-19流行が抑えられている傍証になるかも知れない。

18 33

203 ゼータ 羽の赤こっちでも色分けして
204 バーザム 四肢のデカさの割にKPSで保持力が低い
205 トリスタン 何があったのが誰かマジで教えて下さい
206 イフリートシュナイド 一般なのか…
207 BD-1 パケ絵スキャンしようと思ったらロゴのせいで買い直す羽目になった

1 7

79 陸戦型ガンダム 手首がばらけやすい
80 BD-1 顔が厳つすぎる
82 ゾック 作ったことないです…
83 ヤクトドーガギュネイ機 これと大好きなキット おすすめ
84ヤクトドーガクェス機 作ったことないです…
85リ・ガズィ ちょっと細いかな、顔とか
86 νガンダム ファンネルの固定が不安

1 7

The best way to keep COVID-19 from turning into a shitshow with patients stacking up in hospital hallways? Slow its spread down. We want a slow burn.

The best way to do that?

Full paid sick leave for ALL employees. Especially food & customer service.

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Even if COVID-19 is unavoidable, delaying infections can flatten the peak number of illnesses to within hospital capacity and significantly reduce deaths

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With COVID-19 spreading like wildfire, I hope this lil’ guy motivates you to be mindful and stay healthy. In times like this, just ask yourself, what would Baby Yoda do? I have spoken.

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